Here is the most expensive property for sale in Hungary in 2022

It turned out where the most expensive properties in the country are available. These are real luxury mansions with large estates, while buildings supposedly intended for housing were offered for a few hundred thousand forints this year. The 2022 record-breakers include homes that were snapped up within 24 hours of being advertised.

An EUR 13 million-mansion

In 2022, a total of 605,000 properties for sale and rent were advertised by owners and real estate agents in 2,941 municipalities across the country, according to a year-end survey by This year, the castle in Mocsa, Komárom-Esztergom county, became the most expensive residential property on the market with its “modest” price of HUF 5.2 billion (EUR 13 million). This is actually a real estate complex with a 920 square metre castle on it, while the estate also has its own stream, fish pond and helipad.

The second place on the podium went to an 1100 square metre, 8-room luxury villa on a 4,000 square metre plot in the capital’s 2nd district, which was offered for sale for HUF 3 billion (EUR 7.5 million). The third was a 12-room villa of 744 square metres with a park of more than 5,000 square metres on Svábhegy in Budapest. This property could be bought for HUF 2.6 billion (EUR 6.5 million).

The cheapest properties in the country in 2022

One of the cheapest properties to come on the market in 2022 was an 80-square-metre adobe house to be renovated in Jászfelsőszentgyörgy, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county. Its price was only HUF 450,000 (EUR 1123). A farmhouse in Hajdú-Bihar county in Létavértes was advertised for sale at a slightly lower price. The price of the 20-square-metre building on a 1,300-square-metre plot, which was in need of major renovation, was HUF 390,000 (EUR 974). The lowest price was set by the owner for a 1+1 room dilapidated house in Csanádalberti, Csongrád-Csanád county, where the property was sold for only HUF 300,000 (EUR 749).

Properties sold immediately

Regardless of the economic situation, writes, there are always properties on offer that are immediately snapped up by buyers. In 2022, more than 390 properties were advertised for sale by their owners and sold in a single day. A 44-square-metre brick apartment in Tatabánya in need of renovation was sold in just one day at the beginning of January, with a price of HUF 14.9 million (EUR 37,200).

It also took just one day to sell a 38-square-metre apartment in Kecskemét, advertised for HUF 22.9 million (EUR 57,176), which also included a garage for HUF 1.1 million (EUR 2746). A 5-bedroom, 125-square-metre apartment in Budapest’s 2nd district sold out just as quickly, within 24 hours.


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